Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Next Waiting Game

How long have you been waiting?  1 year?  5?  Then there are all the little waits in between.  Waiting until the next cycle.  Waiting until the pregnancy test.  Waiting until the next quant.  You may have thought pregnancy was the finish line, when really it’s just another drawn out wait.
Maybe you’ve gotten really good at waiting by now, and you have a repertoire of things you can do to relieve your stress and take your mind off your current/next cycle.  Sometimes in pregnancy, it’s a whole new ballgame.  And worse, now you’re worried the stress will be harmful to the baby, which has the opposite effect than helping you relax!
This post contains no new information to most of you, just a reminder, and some encouragement.  Pregnancy is a great time to learn how to take time for yourself.  Think of it like a smoker who quits and uses the money he saves to buy something he’s always wanted.  Use all that time you were spending on calculating your med doses and going for ultrasounds to do something that brings you joy.  As a matter of fact, I’m writing this post while watching the Oscars on DVR, (yes, the chick Super Bowl, but I can’t resist).  You can google and get lots of suggestions for stress relief techniques, but ultimately, whatever works for you is what you should give yourself permission to take time for.
There are tons of data on the benefit of specific relaxation methods like meditation and yoga.  Even if sitting in lotus position saying “Om” is that last thing you ever imagine yourself doing, I encourage you to experiment with some type of relaxation.  There are tons of CDs, MP3s and even apps now you can use.  There are a lot geared specifically for pregnancy, but if thinking about your pregnancy still makes you nervous, find something more general.  Some are 5 or 10 minutes long.  Set your alarm like you used to when it was time to give yourself your injection and take 10 minutes for yourself.  If you are further along and looking at childbirth classes, I highly recommend hypnobirthing.  (See http://www.hypnobirthing.com) The class is geared toward women planning natural childbirth, but it teaches general relaxation, which is useful at any stage in pregnancy or life.
There are other important methods for stress relief that all deserve posts of their own, namely exercise, nutrition, and social support.  So until next time, in the words of Quentin Tarantino, Peace Out! (Yes, still watching the Oscars.)

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